Glow-Up 朗溢Yow Yi-woon 游爾奐Sep 21, 2021Have a wholesome mid-autumn! 中秋圓緣 ✨朗月滿溢 流匯進星與海潮 照見真知大道閃耀如金 靈魂交織銀河相守互愛共生 Up high it shines, the globe of gold, blossoming tides and stars aglow. Glorious grace of golden cycle unites the souls for galactic growth.
Have a wholesome mid-autumn! 中秋圓緣 ✨朗月滿溢 流匯進星與海潮 照見真知大道閃耀如金 靈魂交織銀河相守互愛共生 Up high it shines, the globe of gold, blossoming tides and stars aglow. Glorious grace of golden cycle unites the souls for galactic growth.