High Smoke Noon 正午煙熏
Fuming vapours way up high
High Smoke Noon 正午煙熏
豔夏 Gleaming Arvo
暈 Faint
開路 Trailblaze
Palate Palette 食色
意影 iShades
Sea Play 海上樂園
Springtime Lingering 春思
Petals of Peace
塵涯 Dusty Lane
自在花開 Carefree & Blossom
Cursive Flex 草曲
Lava & Spice
Giga-Annum Sediment
避暑 Keeping Cool
追星逐日 Sun Setters & Stars Trekkers
Stretch, across the plain.
成長劇目 The Plot of Growth